recipe idea news : Recipe idea news home : April 2006

April 2, 2006 09:57 - Stroke-Symptoms and Recognition

Did you know stroke victims can have their stroke effects greatly diminished and even reversed if seem by a doctor within 3 hours?

Sometimes a person suffering a stroke appears to be drunk. Here are some simple questions you, as a bystander, can ask them to determine if what you are seeing is a stroke.

Remember STR.

  • Ask them to smile
  • Ask them to talk
  • Ask them to raise BOTH arms

Also, ask the person to stick out their tongue. If the tongue goes to one side, that indicates a stroke.

What to do-

Call 911 and describe their symptoms depending on what test they fail!

Remember, the trick is to have the stroke recognized, diagnosed, and treated within 3 hours! (Go to URL)

March 2006 « 


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